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United States of Anxiety

Various statements and actions of now President Trump has caused negative scrutiny from both domestic and international individuals, media outlets, corporations, small businesses, etc. at each stage of his journey to the White House. Ranging from his derogatory insults to Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina to his current Travel Ban Executive Order and potential construction of the infamous “Wall” along the Mexican border to name a few, the President has undoubtedly created a United States of Anxiety. Seeing that Trump wants to keep refugees and many others from legally entering our countries, Trump opponents in all sectors are finding ways to block and oppose his political actions through various means. Media outlets have since mercilessly criticized public figures, business executives, and corporations alike for any and all forms of association, whether it be personal, business, political interactions.

Unfortunately, it must be recognized that he has won the election process in which our country has utilized since its founding. The Electoral College process has been criticized, yet there has been no successful initiative from either party to change. Thus, it is fair to say Trump won his Republican Primary Race and beat the Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton against all odds. Matthew McConaughey and Zoe Saldana are both celebrities that spoke out against President Donald Trump during his campaign, however have come under fire for their suggesting that we should accept him or sympathize with Trump and to see what he can accomplish during his presidency. [i] Both interview statements were issued prior to his inauguration. Is it fair to criticize those who hope that the leader of country will not fail?Matthew McConaughey has since made statements apologizing if that had offended and stated that their views have been altered since his enactments as President including the Executive Order that instituted the current travel ban.[ii] These two celebrities are among several individuals and entities caught in the media crossfire that has arisen from Trump’s political actions and statements that can be described as reckless and racist.

Next on the chopping block include businesses Taylor Gourmet, a sandwich chain located on the East Coast, Uber, and even his own daughter Ivanka Trump’s fashion line. First, Casey Patten accepted an invitation to visit the White House to discuss small business and diversity in the work place. The Washington Post claims,

“When it comes to business, Patten says, he’s apolitical. Taylor Gourmet even has posted a billboard in Chinatown that states: Less Politics, More Hoagies. Patten says he didn’t vote in the last presidential election and didn’t even know if he was registered to vote. (Nexis records indicate that he registered as a Republican in the District of Columbia in 2002. “My political views don’t lean to one side or another,” he says. But once posted a short item on the photo-op from Monday’s ceremony, the Internet predictably cranked into hyperdrive, under the assumption that Patten and Taylor Gourmet had sold out to a president who has taken a hard line on immigrants and refugees.”

Patten received backlash on several social media sites for attending this meeting. He is just one example of individuals and companies who have dealt with negative repercussions of associations with Trump. [iii] Ivanka Trump this week had her entire fashion line pulled out of Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus is rumored to have removed her jewelry line from their department store chain. It is clear, that President Trump’s political policies and actions are causing societal upset.[iv] Thus, various market places are either not willing to lose their some of their customer base, taking a personal political stance, or both.

Unlike the previous examples, Uber is under fire for not suspending the Application during the protests against the enactment of controversial “Muslim Ban” that took place last week at JFK. Conversely, taxi companies suspended rides at the airport in solidarity with the protesters’ efforts and LYFT donated one million dollars to the American Civil Liberties Union. [v] Uber’s only measure at the time was eliminate “Surge Pricing,” this was not enough to satisfy the overwhelming public upset.[vi] Since then, a social media movement has erected with the hashtag #DeleteUber. New York Magazine has reported that CEO Travis Kalanick,

“has posted another update that is still mostly focused on how Uber is helping its own drivers deal with the immigration ban. Along with providing legal services and compensating drivers for lost earnings, it includes the more expansive point of “[urging] the government to reinstate the right of U.S. residents to travel — whatever their country of origin — immediately.” [vii]

Although, the CEO is attempting to alleviate this publicity nightmare, it has not been effective. The upset masses want to witness actions of solidarity rather than weak public statements. It is obvious the President’s recent policy enactments along with offensive statements to minorities is further polarizing political and social progress. This public outcry however brings into question, whether companies and individuals who support Trump will feel possible pressure to withhold their political standpoints and beliefs over the next four years.

Both Talk Show Host Ellen DeGeneres and Disney CEO Bob Iger distanced themselves from the Presidential candidate this week. Ellen an outspoken opponent of Trump utilized a metaphoric story regarding the plot of Finding Dory to address the poorly executed immigration polices Trump established during his first week in office after hearing he had a private screening of the film. [viii]While Iger declined to show up at President Trump’s strategic and policy forum. [ix]

It is evident that Trump will increasingly become isolated from the public, government officials, business owners, and beyond if his incessant undiplomatic policy actions and decisions continue.





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