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Politics and Award Show Season

Award shows historically have served as a platform for celebrities to preach their political idealism. This award season is significantly different as politics specifically speeches will be directed at one individual, President Donald Trump. [1] With the final awards show set this Sunday, February 26, it should be interesting to hear what presenters and winners will say.

Historically, the Oscar stage as been a podium for celebrities to speak about their political convictions as seen with Jane Fonda, Marlon Brando, and Susan Sarandon. [2] Hollywood is considerably made up liberal Democrat supporters, however, as the BBC reports,

“…Hollywood has a dilemma. The country is split, and Trump supporters already see celebrities - most of whom lined up behind Hillary Clinton - as an out-of-touch elite. In a recent Hollywood Reporter poll, two thirds of Trump supporters said they had switched off an awards show when the winners got political.” [3]

Seeing that, most of the celebrity population live in liberal coastal areas, middle America’s working class view celebrity as removed. President Donald Trump will most likely retaliate through his beloved Twitter Platform as he did after the Golden Globes, calling the critically acclaimed actress Meryl Streep “overrated.” [4] Such tirades by celebrities have been both praised and criticized by fellow liberals. Some even go as far to say that,

“…overpaid celebrities railing against the government will only turn the current political situation into an even bigger culture war: coastal elites versus hard-working Midwesterners. And that only helps Trump.” [5]

Conservatives definitely concur with such notions, such as Meghan McCain. [6] However, one can’t help but notice the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who believe that celebrities should not have a say in politics. As Maria Del Russo of Refinery 29 explicitly states,

“You can’t say that entertainers should stick to entertaining, and then elect a reality T.V. Star as President.” [7]

Cinema royalty among other public figures have the opportunity to express their political convictions on a global stage. Thus, bringing into question whether they should be either ostracized or praised. While, partisan divisions may increase instances of criticism, it is negligible to suggest suppression of the celebrity voice.




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